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Tax Impact of Having a Child textbook (2023)

Tax Impact of Having a Child textbook (2023)

Priced as low as:

$61.00 - Tax Impact of Having a Child Textbook (2023) - Premium

$61.00 - Tax Impact of Having a Child Textbook (2023) - Professional

$77.00 - Tax Impact of Having a Child Textbook (2023) - Basic

$81.00 - Tax Impact of Having a Child Textbook (2023) - Nonmember

**Limited Quantities - Available while supplies last**


This book is for preparing 2023 taxes. Having a child can be expensive. Whether it’s diapers, child care or health insurance coverage, raising a child often strains family budgets. However, the Tax Code offers some assistance to parents that all tax preparers must know to ensure their clients receive all of benefits to which they are entitled. This course examines a variety of tax issues involving children ranging in age from 0 to adulthood. Topics covered include tax credits available to taxpayers with dependent children on the Form 1040, who qualifies as a dependent for federal tax purposes, kiddie tax rules and tax benefits for qualified education expenses.

Topics include:

  • Apply the dependency rules for a child
  • Recognize when a child is subject to kiddie tax, which tax rate applies and how it is reported
  • Define the tax credits available to taxpayers with dependent children
  • Calculate the child tax credit
  • Summarize the requirements to claim education credits

Product Details:

Item Number: 23333

Level: Intermediate

Authors: NATP Staff

Published: 2023

Format: Print - 144 pages

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