$61.00 - Tax Issues for Seniors textbook (2023) - Premium
$61.00 - Tax Issues for Seniors textbook (2023) - Professional
$77.00 - Tax Issues for Seniors textbook (2023) - Basic
$81.00 - Tax Issues for Seniors textbook (2023) - Nonmember
This book is for preparing 2023 taxes. As taxpayers enter retirement, tax professionals can offer tax planning guidance, so their clients receive all the tax benefits available to them in their new stage of life. For the early years of retirement, this course explains the taxability of Social Security benefits and distributions from different types of retirement plans, including how to plan for required minimum distributions (RMDs). It also covers the tax consequences of long-term care insurance, as well as the deductibility of long-term care expenses in the later stages of retirement. Finally, the course wraps up by discussing the pros and cons of creating a life estate.
Topics include:
Item Number: 23352
Level: Intermediate
Authors: NATP Staff
Published: 2023
Format: Print - 121 Pages
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Get the e-book FREE when you purchase the corresponding 2023 course.